Saturday, July 7, 2007

Shall we begin?

For those of you unaware of the purpose of this blog, I was turned on to a suggestion by a co-worker to document my 12-day business journey around the world, which takes me to stops in California, Germany, India, Singapore and Tokyo. While I like to think of it as a way for friends and family to commiserate in my ordeal, I also view it as a journal entry which may or may not help dissuade me to accept this assignment the next time it comes around. It is also a great way for those who care to know where to collect my body, based on the location of my final post, should I, along the journey, reach my “Sad Demise”, as the Indians like to say.

Please note that the content of this “Travelblog" is in no way associated with the company which employs me and is responsible for the location of my whereabouts during this trip. Therefore, any references to general topics which could offend certain individuals and may include remarks regarding specific races, religions, smelly persons and just general nonsense, are of my own opinion and are not associated with the company that broke the proverbial champagne bottle on the bow to begin this journey.

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Well, your blog is creating quite the stir! Thanks for keeping us entertained.

I'm glad you seem to be surviving your world tour. We miss you here in brown-cubicle land!
